Music Recommendations
June 27, 2017
- Show of Bedlam -
Super heavy and chunky sludge with great female vocals and a
devastating guitar tone.. Hugely satisfying.
- Suffering Hour - In Passing
Dissonant metal in the vein of Deathspell Omega, but without the
orthodox Satanism, and with much less prominent vocals. A really
solid debut album with good production.
- Ex People - Bird
Is Pop Doom a thing? It is now. Much as Nine Inch Nails did with
Industrial, Ex People grow the muscles and skin of Doom on a pop
skeleton, creating a musical Terminator that sneaks behind your
defenses before making you grin like an idiot.
- Wode -Servants of the
Good solid ripping Black Metal. Hits harder than their previous
- Death Fortress - Triumph of the
Their previous
was one of my favorites from last year. On the surface it’s fairly
boring traditional Black Metal with annoyingly bass-less production
that sounds like a badly tuned radio, but somehow it overcomes that
to be totally involving. This album has a similar sound but mostly
fails to rise above it.
- All Them Witches - Sleeping Through The
Hey, look, something that’s not metal! Elements of psychedelic,
folk, jam, and stoner on a base of blues rock.
- Artificial Brain - Infrared
Weird and intricate Metal that would be difficult to classify if it
weren’t for the Cookie Monster Death Metal vocals. Not sure I like
it, but I listen to it a lot.
- Dysrhythmia - The Veil Of
Weird and intricate instrumental Metal that’s difficult to classify.
- Mastodon - Emperor of
Yeah, whatever, another Mastodon album full of power pop. Why do I
keep buying their stuff? One of these days I’ll cull the good tracks
from their last three releases and make one album worth listening
- Tombs - The Grand
I love their first two albums. The third is decent, and the EP after
it is scattershot. This one is just generic metal. Sad to see what’s
become of them.
May 12, 2017